Chromebook Insurance is Available!


This year, students in the 7th and 8th grade will be taking their Chromebook home! While this is exciting news, it is important to recognize the importance of ensuring that the device is protected. Like last year, we will be offering insurance for our students at extremely reasonable rates. The insurance will cover accidental damage to your student Chromebook! Please submit your completed form on the first day of school to ensure that your device is covered. 

The two grades will have different model Chromebooks this year. The price for insurance is based on the model of the Chromebook. Seventh grade Chromebooks can be insured for $18 for the year. Eighth grade Chromebooks can be insured for $26. With insurance, there will be no out of pocket charges for accidental Chromebook damage. 

Incident Insurance Cost Repair Cost
7th Grade Accidental Broken Screen $18 (Up Front Fee) $0
7th Grade Accidental Broken Screen $0 (No Insurance Taken) $40
8th Grade Accidental Broken Screen $26 (Up Front Fee) $0
8th Grade Accidental Broken Screen $0 (No Insurance) $55

As you can see, it is beneficial to purchase insurance prior to the start of the school year. While there is an upfront fee, the fee is less than if anything were to happen to the device during the school year. 

Be on the look out for insurance forms to be coming your way! 
