Coloma Junior High is excited to introduce you to PBIS!
Student-designed C.A.R.E. Cards
What is PBIS?
If you find yourself asking, what the heck is PBIS? This is the place for you!
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports." PBIS is not a curriculum, training, or a one-time event. Instead, PBIS is a system in which evidence-based and research-backed supports are put into place for all students at Coloma Junior High. PBIS systems are proven to create schools in which all students can be successful. The goal of a PBIS system is to continuously support and implement evidence-based practices to support students with interventions that are backed by research to achieve various goals.
Image from: OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (2019). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports [Website]. Retrieved from www.pbis.org.
How Does PBIS Work?
PBIS is a multi-tiered system of supports and interventions. Many representations of a PBIS model are that of a pyramid. When examining a pyramid, the base supports all student learning. As you move up a pyramid, it becomes narrower, eventually reaching a point at the top.
When working within PBIS, the base of the pyramid are supports for all students. For instance, the belief in positive school culture or taking responsibility for our learning each day. This is something that all students are expected to do on a daily basis. The PBIS model will provide supports for this to help students achieve these goals. Some of the items at this level are common classroom expectations and continuums for encouraging and discouraging types of behavior.
When working within PBIS, the base of the pyramid are supports for all students. For instance, the belief in positive school culture or taking responsibility for our learning each day. This is something that all students are expected to do on a daily basis. The PBIS model will provide supports for this to help students achieve these goals. Some of the items at this level are common classroom expectations and continuums for encouraging and discouraging types of behavior.
As we move up the pyramid, students may need additional help in ways such as increased instruction and practice, increased supervision, access to academic supports, and more. These tools are utilized for a smaller percentage of the student body to ensure that all students have the opportunity to be successful and create an environment to have a successful school. At the top of the pyramid, the smallest percentage of the student body may need more intervention and support to achieve our goals. This could involve different items that truly provide more support for the students throughout the day.
Image from: OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (2019). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports [Website]. Retrieved from www.pbis.org.
PBIS at Coloma Junior High
Coloma Junior High is using an acronym to help set expectations for all students. That acronym is C.A.R.E. See the image below to learn about how our Comets C.A.R.E.
Want to learn more about the PBIS Program at Coloma Junior High, check out this informative, scenario laden Google Slides presentation!
PBIS Videos and Scenarios
Check out the videos created by our Student Council that helps teach some of the positive behaviors with examples! Also, you can work through some scenarios with students in this Google Slides presentation. Also, here are the expectations for each letter in a helpful matrix!
Come Ready to Learn!
Always Responsible
Exceptionally Safe